MENA Fintech Association

    Read The Report
    Embedded Finance In The MENA Region Report By The MENA FinTech Association Open Finance Working Group- Vol.3

    The MENA FinTech Association’s (MFTA), Open Finance Working Group has released a report that focuses on embedded finance in the MENA region as well as how open banking and open finance are fuelling its growth.

    As the world moves into a more digital world, it is imperative to remain relevant for all consumers to ensure that no one is left behind; embedded finance is just that. Using embedded finance across industries creates financial inclusion and innovates the current system. 

    MFTA and its Open Finance Working Group members; Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), Mastercard, The London Institute of Banking & Finance, Arthur D. Little, Codebase Technologies, Lean Technologies, M2P FinTech, and Tarabut Gateway, collaborated to produce an overview of the embedded finance landscape. 

    The report delves deeply into how embedded finance is making sustainable economic growth a reality in MENA. 

    Embedded Finance represents a game-changing opportunity in the future of businesses and its relevance extends across all industries in MENA and the report aims to inform and empower those business leaders with concrete details to make creditworthy decisions. 

    Fill out the form to download the Embedded Finance in the MENA Region Report.